Friday, February 15, 2013

Bunco Game Tablescape - Valentine 's Day

Bunco - Valentine Style
Bunco Game is a social dice game involving luck and no skill. The members of the Bunco club take turns hosting and providing meals, appetizers, drinks, dessert and set up and clean up. The host/hostess also provides prizes(normally paid by a members fee of $10 per monthly game).

"There are six rounds, progressing in order from one to six, where the number of the round serves as the target for that round's rolls. Within a round, players alternate turns rolling three dice, aiming to obtain the target number. Players gain one point for each die matching the target. If the player gets three-of-a-kind of the target number (a Bunco), they get 21 points. The round stops when a player at a head table obtains 21 points. Whomever wins the most rounds is the overall winner." source: wikipedia.
The object of the game is to accumulate points and to roll certain combinations. The winners get prizes for the most buncos, highest score, lowest score, last bunco and door prize.

The number of people within the group varies. The group of 12 (which means 3 tables only) is the most manageable number. Bunco's are done once a month and it so happens that the Bunco for this February happens to fall right after Valentine's Day.
The following Valentine Bunco Tables were accessorized using materials from the 5 Days of Valentines tablescapes (see Valentine's Day Table Setting Design Day 2 and Day 4). This means that there was hardly any cost at all to design these tables.  

Bunco Table 1-  Red and Pink theme

The head table is the  center of the gathering.  It is normally the biggest and engaging table since the winners per round stay here or comes to this table.

 A red (the color of boldness) tablecloth is used here to set the tone for the Valentine Theme.  Some pink were added around the table (e.g. candies, the
color of the napkins a combination of pink and red, and the vase has pink on it as well).
The only thing that was purchased for this table were the napkins for the drinks that I used to accentuate the tables displaying the bunco tally paper and pencil.  I used a double tape underneath to  hold down the napkins so they didn't move as players come and go.

The real roses were accentuated by some greenery from the backyard - a great free way to upgrade your floral arrangements.   There are  4 roses to symbolize that 4 people are playing in the table.

Bunco Table 2 - Red theme

 A  red heart shaped candle votive is used as a candy dispenser.

 As the ladies arrive, the wine glasses are served in a silver platter accentuated by the prizes.

I designed the gift bags/boxes to reflect the uniqueness of each  gift by enhancing the Valentine's theme.  I like to match items and embellish them with the design of the ribbons and  Valentine wrapper .  I used the sweetheart candies and glued them on the paper fillers and gift boxes.   I also like contrast.  The purple bag in the middle brings together all the colors of the wrapper and made this table more harmonious.

Bunco Table 3- Pink Theme
Normally this is where the losers end up.  I wanted this table to stay on the lighter side of colors. The pink diamond cloth is a table napkin used in Valentine's Day Table Setting Design - Day 1.  I've added a pink flower (from the garden) to give it a bit of sweetness to lighten the mood for the losers.

The corner of the food counter is decorated to tell a little story.  It is normally a ladies Friday night out.  The wine glass symbolizes the ladies enjoying drinking wines to unwind from their day.  The gold box for hidden treasures of the outcome of the games winnings;  the candlelit votive  for the evening's ambience of light and energy.   

Different finger foods work best for this diverse group of women...
 Since space is limited on the counter where the food is served, I wanted to create an illusion of more space by serving the food in tiers using the red chargers from previous Valentine's Table Setting Design Day - Day 3To add more cheers, Valentine sugars cookies were spread around the food platters.

These days, there is a wide diversity in individual eating habits and preferences.  Our Ladies Club food choices reflect this variety!

 For Meatless Eaters - Zucchini Torta

For Asian Food Lovers - Philippine Lumpia (egg rolls) served with sweet and sour sauce.

For Vegetarians - Mediterranean style: brie cheese, fruits, dates, figs, vegetables. olives, and tofu sausage.

For weight watchers - homemade herbal dip made with fat free sour cream.

For Meat Eaters - Italian sausage, shrimp platter (not shown).

 Frozen Mocha cheesecake (not shown)

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